Friday, 26 December 2008

Eat to Beat High Blood Pressure (Hypertension)

Eat to Beat High Blood Pressure: Natural Self-help for Hypertension, Including 60 Recipes

Dietary control of high blood pressure is now considered one of the mainstays of effective treatment, and this book looks at how making dietary changes can help to reduce blood pressure, thus decreasing the risk of developing associated complications such as heart disease and stroke. The book is written by Dr Sarah Brewer, a qualified doctor and health writer, and Michelle Berriedale-Johnson, a well-known special diets cookery writer. Part One provides the reader with clear and helpful facts about blood pressure. As many as one in five adults have high blood pressure (known medically as hypertension), and this section will enlighten the many sufferers who don't fully understand the nature of the problem. Blood pressure tends to rise with age, so hypertension is more common in middle life and beyond, but the condition is reversible. The book looks at the main causes of high blood pressure. It explains in user-friendly terms how doctors treat the condition and the aims of prescribed medication. There are even tips about how best to take medication. Part Two looks at blood pressure and the diet, discussing in great detail the positive and negative effects of certain foods on our blood pressure. Olive oil is known to be beneficial and the book includes a recipe for making your own Mediterranean herb oil. Fish occupies a prominent position, as it is known that fish features regularly in the diets of the world's healthiest people. Other beneficial ingredients include garlic, fresh fruit, green and black tea and (pleasingly) red wine. The book contains an unusual and appetising selection of recipes, complete with their individual benefits. A further section is devoted to food supplements, weight loss, stress control, giving up smoking and the importance of building an exercise regime. This is a clear and comprehensive guide to controlling and preventing high blood pressure, which manages to be both informative and user-friendly. (Kirkus UK)

Heart disease is the number one killer in the West and is closely linked to high blood pressure, or hypertension. Many things can trigger high blood pressure, including the foods that we eat. In this guide, media doctor Sarah Brewer provides a nutritional plan to help sufferers control or avoid this dangerous condition by changing their eating habits. She also gives readers medically accurate information on high blood pressure, including: what causes high blood pressure; how you can control symptoms; and what orthodox and complementary treatments are available. The book also includes 60 easy-to-follow recipes from Michelle Berriedale-Johnson, which should allow sufferers to control their blood pressure and still enjoy their food.

About the Authors
Dr Sarah Brewer is one of the UK's most prolific and respected doctor columnists. She is also the author of several health titles, including The Complete Book of Men's Health and High Blood Pressure for Thorsons.

Michelle Berriedale-Johnson is the author of the Everyday Wheat-Free Cookbook and the Allergy Free Cookbook. Her newsletter, The Inside Story, is distributed to over 100,000 nutritionists, nurses and health advisers.

Eat to Beat High Blood Pressure: Natural Self-help for Hypertension, Including 60 Recipes

Copyright 2008, All Rights Reserved

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